Team Safety Rules
Must wear safety glasses when working on the robot, when driving the robot,
when using tools or even if you are near tools being used
One power tool or saw at a time - one student at a time
A mentor must be present when power tools are being used
Tools are to be used for intended purposes only
Do not use tools/equipment until trained
Do not handle power tools unless you are about to use them
Keep power tools unplugged unless you are about to use them•
Check all tools before use, if a tool is broken, notify a mentor and DO NOT USE
No long hair or loose clothing items/jewelry when using tools
(put hair up, tuck hoodie strings inside)
Do not crowd anyone using the power tools – keep your distance
Do not block any doors - if you cut materials near the door,•
make sure you pick anything that falls up so nothing is blocking the door
No horseplay - stay on task
No open toe shoes
No drinks near tools, robot, drive station, laptops
Wear hand protection when appropriate
Wear ear protection when appropriate
Clean up after yourself