On team 7153, we take safety extremely seriously. We take many safety precautions before events and at our team meetings.
At every meeting, we require everyone to wear safety glasses and close-toed shoes. Along with these rules, we have more safety team rules which are updated every year. Before a student can use a tool, a mentor is required to train them on that particular tool, powered or not powered. There is a spreadsheet that is kept by the mentors in order to track who can use the tools. There is also a safety Google Classroom. In this classroom, there are worksheets posted every week during the build season to keep everyone's safety skills sharp. Everyone, students and mentors alike, is required to complete them every week. Also, each member has a pocket for PPE, personal protection equipment which is also taken to all of our events.
At every event, we intend to keep safety as our highest priority. In our safety Google Classroom, we post a worksheet to make sure everyone's safety skills are at the top of their game. That test along with a safety button is given out during the competition. Also, we teach our students the emergency exit and where to meet up in case of an emergency.